Britanie Girard; I'm 27 years old, born October 20th, 1982 in Los Angeles, CA. I'm a true character at heart, always finding a way to amuse myself within my daily life. I ride horses, sing, enjoy quality time with friends and loved ones, and I’m in the process of achieving higher educational goals. I have been blessed with many diverse modeling opportunities from music videos of all different genres, I’ve done a few fashion shows, as well as representing a few different urban & couture clothing lines. Just recently I branched my management/promotions company B.Girard Ink., it caters to the lifestyle inside and behind the scenes of the tattoo society. I have a desire to build a network of artists that are truly in love with the jobs they take on. Within the next few months I plan to bring the art back into the Los Angeles breed of Ink Fein.
Currently i represent a team of amazing, creative artists that specialize in different styles of tattoo design including but not limited to freehand script, custom Aztec artwork, realistic portraits, Japanese/Asian Artwork, freestyle designs, etc. In addition to my 10 years of experience in the lifestyle that follows body modifications, I have been blessed with the gift of becoming a skilled body piercer. I’ve studied, apprenticed, and trained in the art of “Sticking” my clients in all the right places; since the tender age of 14, I can definitely say I’ve poked holes in every imaginable place on the human body (even the un-imaginable).
I guess you can say I'm a total Ink Fein seeing as though I love everything about getting tattooed. Most ask me if it hurts, or am I ever going to be finished, or do I regret any of my work……… My only response is “I Love each and every piece of ink that I have allowed to be placed on my skin, as far as the pain aspect goes I rarely feel pain when I'm getting tattooed.” I usually go to sleep to be perfectly honest; I use my fetish for getting tattooed to release the stresses of daily life. I have my right arm sleeved from my neck to the top of my hand, it’s my favorite piece of work yet, It’s an Egyptian Sleeve, displaying my sister Jenell and myself as Isis and Nefertiti. My sister is a big part of my life and I wanted to mix my love for her and my infatuation of Egyptian art and history together to create a masterpiece; I believe I hit my target perfectly. I have a few different projects I’m still finishing, but I’m in no rush I love being under the needle!